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Old 04-16-2021, 10:35 AM
wattaway2 wattaway2 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Ft.Lauderdale,Fl.
Posts: 611

Your numbers are very low I’m running a power tech four blade 17 pitch and I’m very happy with it. I also had the viper 19 inch three blade from the dealer adequate but not what I was looking for and did not provide the lift I needed and that’s why I changed to the four blade. I’m doing 48-49range at about 5900 with the four blade prop the Viper was just at 50 miles an hour but again hard to check when you’re running in an open sea. Unless it’s flat Calm. Haven’t checked the fuel #s but have been satisfied with what I burn in a day of fishing..Hoping to feel well enough to bring the boat home and run it I can measure the motor height at that time I’ve been fighting Covid and then the Covid pneumonia came later so I’m still a little weak. Get the vaccine dealing with Covid certainly isn’t fun
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