1988 SeaCraft rebuild
I'm still grinding away on the cap. The outer section that screws to the hull is taking longer because the areas that don't have any wood coring is thickened resin. I'm having to grind it level with the rest of the cap so it will sit flush with the new divinycell foam core. The good news is that it with the core removed I should have no problem getting it to follow the new shearline with out any relief cuts. In other news, my Strykker swing back leaning post arrived. I'm pretty happy with the quality and the price was right. I did have to make a slight modification to make it more user friendly. The bar under the seat that stops the back rest is a bit too high from the factory. Because of the this it feels like you're constantly sliding off the front. I drilled new holes about 2" inches lower on the side supports, ground a bit of material from the bar to accommodate for the bend and the back rest now goes back far enough to sit comfortably. Now I just need to countersink the new holes so the screws sits flush.