Originally Posted by Kwaugh5p
I was thinking about that but decided to run the 2 tubes along the original trough. There are removable elbows so when I lift the hatch for the tank they could be pulled off and the tank can be removed. Don’t know why I was so worried about it with a 2 year old tank in the boat but oh well. Whoever ends up with this boat 40 years from now will have a semi easy tank removal lol.
Ken I had the original raceways to use as well but glad I added the other two. Ran my steering hoses and trim tab hoses in one side live well(3)and bilge (3)pumps in the other along with the cable for my transducers. Separate cables from whatever to terminal blockers inside the console. It’s surprising how many wires get run with speakers and all the various lights . Wish I had taken more time to run a better chase from under the console to each side near the front vent boxes ! There is some access but it’s very tight up that way. Looking at putting a 5gl. Fresh water tank under the front raised platform right now and adding the pump in the bilge with a 3 way valve to allow salt or freshwater washdown.