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Old 09-24-2021, 10:31 PM
steel686 steel686 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 138

I think you are on the right track with the core at the bow. I left the first 4 feet of my liner in because i was worried about losing control of the flare. I ended up having an issue blending at the cut line after coring the liner. I wouldn't have had that obviously if I had taken the liner out in one piece. What I did come across was a lot of wet balsa from neglected fastener holes. I cut the top skin out and dug out everything I could reach. I packed the voids with as much thickened epoxy as I could trowel in then worked pre-fitted and wetted out Divinycell in as far as I could get. Not perfect but feels pretty solid. Spent alot of time tuning the crown with a longboard. Maybe you could make a radius jig for the top before you dig out the core.
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