Originally Posted by Blackfin26
Beautiful work. Those 90 degree curves are really nice. Fuel tank looks pretty far forward. What's the capacity and what engine is going on the bracket?
131 gal. 300-400 horse single, whatever pops up at that time i guess.
Im not sure where the tank was originally but my gut said put it up there to offset the 1100# of livewell, motor and bracket going in the stern. Plus the under leaning post cooler and people always seem to accumulate back there.
The glass angle pieces serve as a nice bolting flange for the tank and more glue area/support for the deck. That area is 36 x 51 so i felt better with a lil more support. Aft end of the tank will be under the front of the console. Everything will be all open underneath. Side boxes/vents will come down above the 2 small outside bulkheads (which still need the glass trimmed out of ). You will be able to crawl from the transom to the fuel tank too