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Old 11-22-2021, 08:54 PM
bspence0112 bspence0112 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 5
Default 1976 23 Rebuild, Stoner Bracket

Hello all, First time posting here on Classic Seacraft. I have been working on a 23 I have for a bit now. Slowly coming along. Here are some pictures of what I've done so far. Still lots to go a lot of learning still. This is my first time doing a project this big.

I started by pretty much gutting the boat, Re foamed the stringers, new 2" Coosa closed transom. I purchased a fiberglass brackets from Stoner boatworks. Mounted that and starting building out the bilges with fishbox/storage in the after part and fuel tank compartment. I am going with 100 gallon tank and about a 20-25 gallon water tank forward of that.

Plan is 3/4 coosa deck and live well in the transom with options for on deck wells when needed.

Still need to pull the cap and recore, build the new transom cap which is what I'm dreading.

This is a 5 year project for me since I travel for a living!

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