I thougt about this over the winter and started stripping hardware this spring. I had used Sudbury Sealant to bed a few things like the leanpost and I think it would have held without fasteners. Spoke to an Awlgrip tech rep about degreasing and prepping the surface then found a barn to tape everything off. Fineline tape is great since it is translucent/transparent when you press it down. Allowed me to see all the existing radius cuts to follow. I went back and overlapped the 1/2” to protect the verticals from edge of roller. Rolled out a first coat and then broadcast medium grit Softsand. Ended up burning a gallon which is close to what they recommend for 100sf. When I swept it up the next day I recovered half of it. Hopefully serves as a good reference for anyone using this method. Rolled out a second coat and third coat over the next 24.
Learned a few things. Don’t cut your fingernails two days before you need them and don’t use blue tape. It works great for construction jobs but it gets soft and was nerve wracking when I started stripping it. Whole time I was worried about final edge after 48 hours. I used Scotch 233+ for most of that second layer and it worked a lot better. When I started peeling the Fineline it was great. Nice crisp lines. A little bleed at some corners but it wiped off the gloss with a little reducer.
Huge difference in feel and of course more aggressive appearance. Look forward to seeing how it works after a 14 day cure. It’s been a few months and I forgot to rotate the phone taking pictures. Maybe little help from Strick on the prep photos. Give an update after Independence Day.