Can you expand a bit on the power draw..??
Thank you.
Not sure on any of the specifics other than the .75 amp draw (9 watts). I haven't put a multimeter on it to confirm the power usage. Should be low enough not to kill a "starting" battery and certainly would work off a "house" deep cycle battery.
Try freezing 2 liter bottles mostly full so they don’t burst. When they melt you have drinking water…
Sounds like a great idea,, but I've also heard that if you utilized that method it doesn't cool as well. The plastic surface of the bottle isn't cold enough since ice in the bottle(s) quickly get "insulated" with the warmer water that is in between the remaining ice in the bottle and the plastic shell of bottle. It lacks the intimate direct contact radiating from the cold block of ice. I'm sure it will work, and you get ice cold water to drink but in the long run I would think the unit doesn't work as well.