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Old 09-01-2022, 07:30 PM
Thomas Thomas is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 29

Still here- planning the transom for the Fall. Two rolls of 1708 and 12 gal of raka epoxy waiting- need to drive out to the cape to get the Coosa board when it cools down.

Ended up peeling the paint right off the boat with a scraper. Looks like someone did all the fairing and didn't prep right before painting!

Next up I need to pull the boat out and level it on the trailer (sitting crooked since transport). Grind the final transom, tabbing and keel down then i can brace the transom into "Plane".

Any advice or examples are welcome. My plan:

1) use 2x4s down the length of the boat, screwing into a sheet of ply with a plastic backing to the transom.
2) Fill in the I/B hole (half the thickness?) from the inside, 1708 here.
3) Beef up the transom layup maybe 3-4 layers of 1708. Initial layer 1.5oz chop to bite.
4) install the coosa one layer at a time using peanut butter, using the same bolting pattern to clamp it to the transom jig.
5) layer each sheet with 1708 after creating a sandwich?

Still debating on the layup to use in-between the coosa for now, and whether to bolt the sheets together of use braced 2x4 and clamps to avoid drilling.
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