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Old 10-26-2022, 04:17 AM
Xcomunic8d Xcomunic8d is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 320

I suggest looking at the cg calculator. This hull likes weight forward. I was set I mean DEAD SET on OB conversion. The cg calculator and others convinced me it was not a good idea to get the performance I wanted. I never considered a cc here. They are really discouraged here. Somebody turned my boat into an ob. It had drain plugs everywhere. I figured out later water must have come in drains and caused lots of rot.

I miss the deck space already but I decided to embrace the design. Flexpat, cdavisb, and strick (who’s a 25 hater are experts on this hull. I’d start with flexpat and talk theory with him. Chuck, terry, and no bones are quite knowledgeable too. Those guys have actually discussed the design with the creator. They are a wealth of knowledge.

Flexpat and I decided on LS swaps. I started my LS before Volvo embraced it. I’m too far in to go back now. But he’s got plans on his current project to do much what I am but on a 23 using vp’s setup and I’m doing a bravo 3.
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