Re: What's causing the boat to list?
Well... I've seen a hook caused by many things. Most common is from sitting on a trailer that was not adjusted right. Too much of the boat hanging off the back unsupported. Thus caving-in the last 2 to 3 foot of the boat, making a reverse trim tab to say. This will make the stern lift or in your case lay over at speed. If the boat hasn't been this way long it may come out just by reblocking the boat on the trailer to hold the boat the right way or use a bunk trailer. You may have a soft spot in your hull and underpower the hull will buckle causing the list. I would put a straight edge on the hull and look for cups in the hull, they will be large in size and width. Once you find it then you can figure out what caused it and then how to fix it. I know the hook fin is for taking out feed back in the steering, but I've seen it work for list to a point. Does this happen with the motor trimed up or down..Do you trim your motor up and use the tabs?. I had a 25 grady that would roll at speed like you say. Though watching someone else run the boat for me and riding on another I notice that the motors where kick under when trimed down. I moved the pin up one hole and the boat never did it again. Your motor may be causing the problem try move the motor down one bolt hole and put the trim pin back one hole so the motor doesn't kick under as far and use the tabs to bring the bow down. you could be running to flat and the boat is chine walking and falling over to port because of the motor rotation.
Don Battin
Pipe Dreams Marine
"Design her right,
Build’er well
Bend the throttles,
And let’er eat…."
Carl Moesly