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Old 09-08-2015, 09:18 AM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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Default 70's Seafari keel area hull thickness

was cleaning out the cabin in the 20' Seafari yesterday and noticed something I wasn't sure of.
I was looking in the forward compartment where the front part of the keel can be seen.

Two things concerned me."First", was the thickness of the lamination in that area.The sun was at a low angle,and shining on to the bow and forward keel area.
I could see light coming thru the glass(uh oh)in the bow running a bit above the standing waterline and running maybe a foot or so back along the very forward area of the keel.

"Second was that about a foot and a half of the keel wasn't perfectly centered into the v of the hull.It veered of to the port side,although not horribly off,is isn't centered.
I looked over the bottom of the hull and keel area extremely close,and it seems to be in perfect condition.The hull was never painted,and the original gelcoat is in perfect condition,especially considering the age.

I was thinking of laying up a few layers of 1708 on the inside onto the the keel and tabbed on to the hull.Also laying up a few layers of the same on to the hull where the keel ends and up towards the bow.

I could use some help from you Seafari gurus so Any thoughts,comments or recommendations are welcomed.
All this,just for a boat ride
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Old 09-08-2015, 05:13 PM
mnwnvc mnwnvc is offline
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You might find that the hull is still plenty thick but the gel coat is thin. Fiberglass is translucent. I would drill a 1/16 or less hole in the suspect area and measure thickness, before grinding and adding more glass from the inside. Could save a ton of work and easy to fill that small hole.
How has fishing been on my home water, Lake Ontario?

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Old 09-08-2015, 08:07 PM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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Thanks Mike, I guess I was a bit too worried about it.I figured that the yellow gel coat would have cut down on the transparency of the glass more than it did.Then again I should have known better as I've seen 3/4 inch glass laminate pass light thru it with a layer of white gel coat on it.
I may end up doing a bit of glass work in that area as its pretty sloppy with some air spaces and resin starved glass.

As for the fishing on western lake Ontario (your home lake) the spring fishing was incredible with limits everyday of king salmon.They wwere smaller than normal for that time of year.Most were in the middle to high teens.
August fishing (normally the best with large numbers of big fish) sucked. When a fish of 30.11 lbs wins the LOC tournament you know the fish are running small.Quantities were way down as well.No one really has an answer.Bait was everywhere sold clouds of red on the sonar all over the place but no fish around them.
I hope next August is better
All this,just for a boat ride
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