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Old 10-07-2013, 09:35 AM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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Took the old girl out Sunday for me and my lady's 6 year anniversary. Went down from the family river house in Dawson's Creek and put in, then went down to Oriental N.C. There was a nice chop on the river with some white caps. First time I had her (the boat) in a little ruff water. She preformed awesome! On the way out a Wildlife officer did a turn around on us, I told the lady not to turn around and look at him and I dropped the handle. Once I made it under the bridge and into the river a little ways (out of his jurisdiction) I stopped and turned around to see if he came after me and by this time he was already turning around at the bridge heading back up the creek. Even with one motor on the 27' he couldn't catch up to me. I wasn't doing nothing wrong so I turned back to see what he wanted and he never looked back to see that I returned to give in. Looks like he went back up to the ramp to wait for me. To bad I didn't use the public ramp! The only other ramp on the creek is private and just happens to be at our family river house and he didn't know I wouldn't come back his way. I think he didn't like the F.L. reg. numbers on the boat. I got it registered but haven't got the numbering changed yet. I cant wait to get the second motor on the boat, much more fun then when she will hit 65 mph +

Did manage to catch a few fish on the way back in. A few flounder and one nice trout over 18"!

Current SeaCraft projects:
68 27' SeaCraft Race boat
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Old 10-07-2013, 04:31 PM
uncleboo uncleboo is offline
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Nice job, friz. Next time, take a GoPro so we can hear and see some action!
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Old 03-31-2014, 08:33 AM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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Default New Props

Now that it is warming up a bit I have been on ebay,ThT and gotten a few new to me props to try out on the old girl before I pull the outboard. I will be moving it to the 20' sceptre once it is done but wanted to play around with it before unrigging it due to it may be a year or two before it will run again.

What I got on it now is a Quicksilver S.S. 14.5 x 17p which is tacking too high rpm wise.

What I got to try is a Mercury Mirage Plus 15.5 x 17p
Mercury Mirage Plus 15.25 x 19p
Older NIB Mercury 15.5 x 21p
Mercury Rev 4 14.625 x 17p

If all goes well and the last 2 come in before the weekend I might try to make a few runs and see what kind of numbers I get. I will post the findings. Hopefully GFS this may help you moving forward when the time comes and gives me an excuse to run her before I pull the motah...
Current SeaCraft projects:
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Old 03-31-2014, 11:17 AM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Mercury Mirage Plus 15.25 x 19p I have a feeling that this is gonna be your prop.

based on my experience the mirage plus 17P and the 14.5 x 17P quicksilver's turn about the same RPM. Mirage Plus will have less slip and be a little faster.
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Old 03-31-2014, 01:17 PM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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Lordwrench, thanks for the offer but I got ebay bid happy and ended up with a few. Got most of them for around a $100 but the rev 4 it was a bit higher but most nice 4 blade props are. I wasn't going to get a 21p but that one was only $60 and it was new in the box still just an older style prop a torq flo where the others were torq flo II with removable sleeve bushings.

Bigshrimpin, That's what I was guessing (19p) after reading a lot of post up here, seems like that is what most people run on their 23's. Curious on the rev 4 four blade once I get the motor on the bracketed 20' sceptre. I think it will need the lift in the rear.
Current SeaCraft projects:
68 27' SeaCraft Race boat
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Old 03-31-2014, 04:21 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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From what I remember you can run the rev4 a little higher (1 hole) than the mirage plus and it'll still hold better in turns. The mirage plus is faster than the rev4 of same pitch.
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Old 04-01-2014, 08:27 AM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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That's what I was told, that the 17p rev 4 would be similar rpm range as the Mirage 19p. I know most of the time going from a 3 blade to a 4 blade you go down a inch of pitch to get similar effect and rpm. We will see!
Current SeaCraft projects:
68 27' SeaCraft Race boat
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Old 04-01-2014, 09:18 AM
kmoose kmoose is offline
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If you need stearn lift the Rev 4 is great, if you don't you will hate it.
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Old 04-02-2014, 12:53 PM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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Default Crap

Well, on the way to work this morning I drove my diesel truck so I could get the plates renewed and the damn thing left me on the side of the road. Fuel pump sounds like it is getting air in it or ?. Just sounds different, I checked the motor mounted bowel and it is flowing fuel but it will only run for 30 seconds and cut off again every time. It is always something, might not be able to tow the boat this weekend for prop testing after all. The bad thing is I was about to take off up north to pick up the 25'. Glad it didn't happen 800 miles away but crap. It is always something....
Current SeaCraft projects:
68 27' SeaCraft Race boat
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Old 04-09-2014, 12:56 PM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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I think that I will be committed to bringing the race boat back more original instead of leaving it a center console. I want to go back with a full cap like it had but still would like a little more room than the two man original set up. So, I though about how Carl would of done it if he was building it. I would like to go full race with the hull but would want to still carry me the old lady and a guest or two and have more room than a small hole to sit in. Thats when I saw the scampi Pic's for the third time today then it hit me! If I redo the cap like the one on the scampi but a little deeper in the cockpit where I can have a pair of seats in the front and then a set of three in the rear that might be cool. It would keep the race look but still be useable. What do you guys think????? I took the scampi pic and stretched it out to the 27.6 feet that my hull is and I'm likening the look.

Picture of the scampi stretched out to the race boat length:

Name:  scampi.jpg
Views: 251
Size:  55.5 KB

Rear seats to go in it:

Name:  seats.jpg
Views: 251
Size:  30.3 KB
Current SeaCraft projects:
68 27' SeaCraft Race boat
71 20' SeaCraft CC sf
73 23' SeaCraft CC sf
74 20' SeaCraft Sceptre
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