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Old 06-04-2020, 11:03 AM
Locke N Load Locke N Load is offline
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Default On the fence, Cold Feet, Second guessing myself...

I have a 1971 Seafari 20 sitting in my backyard. I have had it for over two years now. It is stripped down to the stringers. It is ready to be built back up. I have Coosa for the transom. I have a new gas tank. I have researched what glass and resin to use. I am ready to make purchases and go.

But I cannot bring myself to get started. I am second guessing myself on whether it makes sense to restore the 20 footer. I am worried I will put all this time and effort in only to not like the 20 and wish I had a 23.

My anticipated use is a mix of fishing and family fun. I would have myself and maybe 2-3 others when fishing. It would be what you expect for eastern Massachusetts fishing. CCB, Buzzards Bay, Vineyard Sound and maybe even south of the islands when possible. Stripers, cod/haddock/pollack, black sea bass/tog/scup, nearshore tuna. What I really would like to be able to do as well is south of the islands for mahi and even further when weather allows for tuna/wahoo and whatever else I could come across, but that would not be a main application. Family time would be sand bars, cruises, Boston harbor islands, Provincetown and the islands for day trips. Three person family, but I would anticipate the 12 year old daughter will want a friend or two to hang with all the time. Boat would be trailered behind my 1/2 ton pickup.

So, my questions. I figure the Seafari could do most of that. Not south of the Vineyard, but the rest for fishing and family day trips would be fine. But, it would be crowded with more than 3-4 people onboard. Would a 23 do it much more easily, comfortably and safely? CC with wings for protection from the elements or stick with a Sceptre? Do I scrap the idea of the 20 and try to find a 23? I would still want a project hull to be able to go through myself and customize. Do I just have cold feet about the 20 and should I proceed or do I really want and need a 23 for my anticipated use? My first boat, but I have plenty of time on the water on a friend's 24 CC. Lots of fishing as described above including south of the Vineyard a couple of times as well as sandbar trips with up to 8 people onboard for the short ride.

Thanks all.
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Old 06-04-2020, 12:38 PM
Ryan Ryan is offline
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If youre even questioning, get the 23. remember that a sefari is a tough sell.
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Old 06-04-2020, 02:17 PM
EarToTheWater EarToTheWater is offline
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If there is any doubt there is no doubt. Get the 23'.
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Old 06-04-2020, 03:05 PM
77SceptreOB 77SceptreOB is offline
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FWIW, a 20' SeaFari has a bigger cabin than a 23' Sceptre. But generally speaking a 23' is a MAN and a 20' is a boy.
1977 SeaCraft 23' Sceptre W/ Alum Tower & Yamaha 225
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Old 06-05-2020, 09:33 AM
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Having a 20' Seafari for my entire life...and now a fiance who would like something newer, fancier, and with more seating... I'm in a similar decision-making predicament. One thing I was just looking at was the 20's 12" draft vs. the 16" of the 23" (outboards)...since I'd also want to upgrade to a 23' (and you mentioned sandbars)... not a huge deal, but I do get my Seafari right up on the beach frequently to drop gear and passengers... I'm also often the one braving the tides and the closest boat to the beach. My princesses don't like to get their feet wet lol.

PS, I anticipate having 8+ humans on my Seafari tomorrow
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Old 06-05-2020, 10:52 AM
Locke N Load Locke N Load is offline
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Thanks for the responses. I was hoping to hear, "Nah, you're crazy. Keep the SeaFari." But now it is looking like I will need to search for a 23 and unload the 20. I do not think I will regret a 23 even though it will cost me more. I have not completely made up my mind, but that is the way I have been leaning more and more lately.

I am guessing there are no free 23's just laying around to be picked up so time to save up some dough. Should I find a trailer first figuring a hull sitting in the weeds will come available or wait and see if there is a bundle deal? I suppose I could wait and grab a trailer or borrow one if needed.

If anyone knows of a project hull in MA, or the Northeast for that matter, available for short money (or free ) I am all ears.
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Old 06-05-2020, 10:55 AM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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If I were to do it over again I would do a 23 . The cost is just a little bit more and you get much more boat
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Old 06-05-2020, 11:21 AM
Locke N Load Locke N Load is offline
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Originally Posted by jorgeinmiami View Post
If I were to do it over again I would do a 23 . The cost is just a little bit more and you get much more boat
That's what I am thinking. The amount of work involved, materials, cost is incrementally more, but what you have in the end is much more. Also, God forbid, if I never needed to sell, a 23 would be easier and get more of the investment back. Not all, of course, but a larger percentage. Argh. Need to start over.
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Old 06-05-2020, 12:05 PM
Capt Terry Capt Terry is offline
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Although I have loved my Seafari for 44 years for your usage I agree. Go with the 23. When I bought mine with the then available outboards the 23 needed twins. Although I trolled offshore I also wanted better ski ability. I usually had 1-2 fishing companions, but it you have 2-3 good size guys the Seafari will be cramped. If you are loosing interest now the Seafari will probably never finish. Cut your future losses even if you have to give the Seafari away. Even my Seafari-loving wife agrees!
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Old 06-08-2020, 02:30 PM
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Comfortably Crowded.
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