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Old 09-06-2011, 08:49 PM
floorboy floorboy is offline
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Default sceptre transom cooler

I am thinking about how (if I can) to put a cooler/livewell in the transom of my sceptre. It would be maybe 48x10x 10-11 inches deep. It would serve mainly as a cooler for "pop" I'm not concerned with the little bit of weight on the stern.
Has anybody done this? Is there a hinge that is similar to a hood hinge on a car the could be mounted underneath? I don't see anything else working with the arch. Something that comes up and back if you follow me.
The box would drain into the scuppers.
Another reason I want to do something is so I can mount my washdown pump as I have no chance of squeezing any part of me in there to mount it. [img]/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

Still in the planning stages, open to input. Thanks.
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Old 09-07-2011, 07:53 PM
Blue_Heron Blue_Heron is offline
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Default Re: sceptre transom cooler

I'm thinking of something similar, but not the same. And it's a project for after the boat is launched and everything else is done, so I'm just kicking ideas around at this point.

What I want to do is fabricate a cooler that sits on top of the aft end of the engine cover against the transom. It will have two compartments, one for (dead) bait and one for beverages. I'm also thinking of a way to attach a bait rigging surface to either the cooler or the engine box. My thinking is this; I have a pedestal seat that is mounted on the engine box. By adding a two compartment cooler, and a work surface within reach of the seat, I have a nice setup where one person can reach everything he needs to rig baits without having to move around the boat in a sea.

I haven't worked out the details yet, but I have some thoughts on the cooler. It will be the same width as the engine cover, about three feet, and probably 9"-10" fore/aft inside dimension. I still have to check how tall I can make it without going above the transom. It will be two compartments, one port, one starboard. The top of the cooler will follow the arch of the transom. The lids to the compartments will be hinged at the center so the port lid opens to starboard and the starboard lid opens to port. That's really about as far as I've got in my thinking. Not sure if there's anything there you can use.
Blue Heron Boat Works
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Old 09-11-2011, 09:21 AM
FishStretcher FishStretcher is offline
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Default Re: sceptre transom cooler

If the 48 x 10 x 10 is inside dimensions, that's ~170 lb of water/ice in the stern. It looks like you have the 23' Sceptre, and it might be fine there. I know I wouldn't want that in my 20 Master Angler for CG reasons.
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