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Old 08-05-2009, 09:12 AM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Bugs 2- GFS 0

I have never been diving before and was looking forward to learning some basics without becoming a statistic. My left ear always bothered me when snorkeling even at 6 ft. Day one proved no exception. I had seen 2 bugs in 12 ft and tried to sneak up behind them. I only managed to snap their antenna before they shot back up under the Eel Grass. I didn`t have enough wind to stay down longer without a weight belt.

Bushwacker`s friends were divers as well and I`m glad we had their help. SkipperTee was also effective in developing the teamwork strategy with Amanda on a tank and he on the hookah.

We spent the first few stops figuring out where to drop without being too far from the boats or the bugs. Teamwork proved to be most effective. Don would scout while being dragged behind the boat and spots were easily identified. Divers down: 1 to tickle, 1 to net , and 1 to transport.

Bushwacker`s brow was focused and I thought about the many memories he must have been reliving from his crossings. Amanda had an early encounter with a Cuda and a Nurse shark. She was a little shaken, but like a true trooper she was all smiles as she and SkipperTee formed a strong team after brief bodily reverberation topside.

NoBones` numbers were invaluable and MUCH appreciated. Carcker Air speaks for itself!

Later in the day I got more comfortable with the hookah by the boat and ventured off with a too light weight belt and BC overinflated. I made myself clear my mask repeatedly, and closed my eyes while spinning. I was comfortable, but in tune. We were shallow and I marveled at the coral heads and fans. My first brain coral. I thought of the Scarecrow and Emerald City. What a wonderful feeling. I always loved watching Jacque Cousteau as a child. Blue Tang, Sgt. Majors,Triggers, baby Y.T`s by the scoop. Bait was everywhere.

My underwater cable camera proved useless the first day as the vis was limited. I should have brought it out the second day as things were picked over and the clarity was gin at the same spot late in the day. Shorts and body parts were the norm on day 2.

Casper looking ghostly.

Amanda taught us to equalize while vertical. Doing so the old way is NOT good for you.

Bushwacker and friends.

Just before the wringing and crying.

Great memories.

The answer to the trivia question from the last gathering.
It`s a Goat fish.

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Old 08-05-2009, 09:22 AM
Islandtrader Islandtrader is offline
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Default Re: Bugs 2- GFS 0

I love the look on Shadow's face...


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Old 08-05-2009, 09:32 AM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Re: Bugs 2- GFS 0

Shadow prefers lizards to crustaceans Terry!
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Old 08-06-2009, 12:29 AM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Default Re: Bugs 2- GFS 0

Shadow prefers lizards to crustaceans Terry!
She's actually eaten an entire land crab (that was dead for a couple of days [img]/forum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]) as well as a live fiddler crab and snakes, so she's not too particular! Seems to have a cast-iron stomach!

Here's a shot of Amanda and mom Sharon relaxing between dive spots . . . the quiet hum of that E-Tec just lulls 'em to sleep! Did the same to Snookerd's family, except we were running a lot faster this time!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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