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Old 09-19-2014, 09:30 AM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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Default Sanibel Fl.should I bring rods or buy in Fl.?

Spending a week in Sanibel Florida this coming february.I'm going to pack a few spinning reels in my luggage,but am wondering if I should pack rods as well or just buy some cheap ones when I get there.I'm trying to go as light as possible,less hassle at the airport.

There must be a Walmart,or discount store or Cabelas etc. in the area where I could get a couple rods for $29.95 or thereabouts.
I'm not planning on being ultra serious for fishing,just want to spend a little time fooling around to catch whatever I can for fun.
I'll just leave the rods at the cottage when I head back home.

Any opinions as to bringing my own rods,or buy them there? Any tips on some lures, to bring would help.I do have a small collection of saltwater stuff like top water poppers,stick baits, jigs, casting spoons,should I take any of those with me as well?

Thanks all
All this,just for a boat ride
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Old 09-19-2014, 11:22 AM
Islandtrader Islandtrader is offline
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If you are not serious...just go to walmart and load up there...don't bring your gear, because if you forget to clean it...and I mean really clean it,you will regret it.

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Old 09-19-2014, 11:28 AM
Tiny Tiny is offline
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If you made the drive you're welcome to borrow whatever you wanted from me, but it really wouldn't make financial/time sense I think. Maybe someone here is close to Sanibell and will loan you a few. You're welcome to my stuff, but I'm 3hrs/200 miles from there on the other coast.
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Old 09-19-2014, 11:36 AM
DonV DonV is offline
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You flying in to FMY, SRQ or TPA? I'm assuming FMY?
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Old 09-19-2014, 12:30 PM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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I'm flying into Ft.Meyers Feb 7.

Many Thanks to all for all the tips and generous offerings.I think I'll just buy a couple rods when I get there.I'll pack a few reels that I use for my occasional salt water trips back home in CT MA.,RI.

This trip was a very generous gift from my son.He's taking all of us (6 to 8 of us),and refuses to accept any money from any of us.It was a good year for him at work.

He fished with me every weekend until he was around 15 years old,then he got interested in all the other stuff,like girls,cars,work.
He grew up,went on to school,got married,and now at 43 years old lives in Long Island NY.three hours away,and We haven't fished together since that time when he was 15.
He's also married to his job at a pharmaceutical co.,so that,and the typical responsibility of family life,has made time trying to get together for a fishing trip tough.
I've always had this dream that someday he and I would spend a day together fishing,so this trip is a very special reward for me.

I'm also looking forward to checking out some real estate.I surely don't have the financial resources to settle in Sanibel,or the immediate area,but I may take a day to go out a ways and see what the market is in some of the more affordable areas. (any recommendations)
All this,just for a boat ride
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Old 09-19-2014, 12:40 PM
dave s dave s is offline
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It's a lot easier and cheaper to buy some inexpensive rods when you get there.
My multi piece rods cost $100s each and I only use them when flying to a country that doesn't readily sell tackle.
I'd bring my own reels though and some terminal tackle.
I'd suggest getting a lighter spinner to catch bait, throw small lures and shrimp. And a heavier rod to throw out live bait and chunks; if you're fishing the beaches you'll catch Spanish Macks, Jacks, Sharks, and maybe Snook and Tarpon.
At the jetties/passes liveline shrimp or small live fish near the bottom and cast lures for the Macks.
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Old 09-19-2014, 01:07 PM
DonV DonV is offline
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John, I tell my grandson if it floats, has wheels or big boobs it's gonna cost you lots of money!! Wish he had listened at 15. I hope you guys enjoy the week!!

If you want to look at affordable property, especially on the water, head north of Ft. Myers, Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. No need to go south Naples is even more expensive than Ft. Myers. Or try the Cape Coral area.
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Old 09-19-2014, 03:34 PM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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Thanks Dave and Don

Damm.It's not easy deciding what to do about retirement.On the one hand,I love my house in the woods, like the New England area, like that I can watch deer,and wild turkeys come into my yard, like the fact that the neighboring houses are very few,and a long long ways apart.
On the other hand,I'm tired of the nasty winters,and find it more and more difficult to Snow blow the driveway,Snow rake the roof,and pay $4.00 for fuel oil to heat the house with.

I have a 34' permanent camp trailer up in western NY on the great lakes(Ontario & Erie)where I keep the boat.I could easily live there all summer.
I have Permanent sewage,electricity,water,propane everything except phone for 1,400.00 a season.I couldn't pay the taxes on my house for that.

Still working at 67 because I love my job,and the extra money is nice,but I think next year will be it.Got an unsolved health issue so not sure what it will end up being.Neurologist's sending me for nerve conductivity tests and muscle tests.
He thinks it may be either a musculer,or joint issue,along with the neuropathy I have.

So I guess I could sell my house, live at the trailer in NY,and spend a good portion of the spring and summer Salmon fishing,then spend the fall mooching a few weeks at a time at my kids, daughter in Mass,and Son in Long Island NY.
If I sold my house,I guess I could buy a small inexpensive house in Florida to spend the winter in, but what do I do with it in the summer?.
I'd have to pick up a small ctr console to fish Fl.,as I wouldn't be towing the Tsunami back and forth.
Should have listened to the parents when I was young,and saved money instead of spending it on hot rods,or I should have just kept them hot rods,I'd be worth a lot of money now if I did.

What to do, what to do????
All this,just for a boat ride
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Old 09-20-2014, 04:12 PM
Islandtrader Islandtrader is offline
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If you buy a small house in fla. you do what half of the population does...board it up, hire a lawn service, and turn the air on, and leave.

It really is no big deal...

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Old 09-20-2014, 05:41 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Originally Posted by bigeasy1 View Post
Thanks Dave and Don

Damm.It's not easy deciding what to do about retirement.......

Should have listened to the parents when I was young,and saved money instead of spending it on hot rods,or I should have just kept them hot rods,I'd be worth a lot of money now if I did.

What to do, what to do????
Bigeasy, I'm thinkin' you might want to take careful inventory of your ASSETS -
1) You got an inexpensive summer place on the great lakes, with turkeys and deer prancin around the yard and a bad azz red seacraft tied up at the dock!
2) You got a daughter and son who love you and will pay to spend time with you.
3) You got some scar tussue, but you can't get to 67, on the tape measure of life without some of that. You also got a lot of experiance to share ywith any of the younger folk that's willing to listen.
4) You're still working and you love what you do. Do you know how many people get up every morning and go to a place they hate?
5) You have equity in the home at a place you hate shovelin' snow at, to swap for a place where it don't snow.

1) You got a "Hot Rod Heart".
Hmmmm - I think it's terminal and you ain't gonna' find any help with that on this web-site. Maybe just a Support Group here.
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