On The Hunt for a 20
Hey all. I have been thinking about doing a restore on a classic boat for a while. I was trying to decide between a 23 SeaCraft and a Formula 233. Then I thought some more about it and decided a SeaCraft 20 would be a better candidate for a first-timer. The model I was interested in has not worked out so I am back in the market for a hull. I am in eastern MA and can travel a reasonable distance. The trailer I picked up will be in road-ready condition shortly. Anyone have any leads?
P.S. I don't know how others deal with the issue, but I want a title or someone willing to assist with the paperwork necessary to transfer ownership. MA requires some hoops to jump through if the present owner has not titled the boat. Notarized letter stating why boat was not titled (e.g. bought non-running as a project) plus bill of sale, copies of seller's ID and utility bill showing address/residence.