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Old 04-16-2018, 09:51 AM
Dogbomb Dogbomb is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 161
Default ALS Can Kiss My Butt

In the interest of brevity, I'll make a very long story very short.

About 8 months ago, I started to have weakness in my feet and ankles.
The problems progressed to my legs, arms, back and neck.
On March 5th, after a million tests, scans and such, the doctor
looked me in the eye and told me I have ALS.

I rarely get sick. I haven't missed a day of work in 25 years.
I run marathons. I've always enjoyed great health, so the news
was unexpected and hard to take to say the least.

I'm a very positive person by nature, and I love a challenge, so
this disease won't stop me from enjoying life.

I sold my motorcycles and my triathlon bike and my beloved Corvette
because I can no longer shift gears or pedal. I've had to move my bedroom
downstairs because stairs are the devil. I've made dozens of other
consolative changes in my life, but I'm not giving up my SeaCraft. Yet.

I'm looking forward to at least one more summer on the boat, and
ALS won't steal that from me.

I wanted to thank everyone here for the kind words and advice that
allowed me to make the dream of owning and enjoying
a classic SeaCraft a reality.
It means a lot. Trust me.

ALS has no known cause, no treatment and no cure.
Unless you help.
If you have a few minutes, stop by the ALS website.
Throw them a couple of bucks if you are able.
Thank you.

I hope y'all have a great summer on the water.
I know I will!
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Old 04-16-2018, 10:10 AM
dave s dave s is offline
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Enjoy every day you can!
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Old 04-16-2018, 12:17 PM
fishingproblem fishingproblem is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 44

I've enjoyed your posts and dig your Seafari which I hope continues to inspire your great attitude. Best wishes for your adventure and enjoyment together.

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Old 04-16-2018, 12:39 PM
jtharmo jtharmo is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 115

My thoughts and prayers are with you Tony. You once said when my Seafari burned down "the world needs more yellow, not less". Hang in there, keep the positive attitude and give that yellow Seafari a good ride! Medical science can move forward at an incredible rate and knowledge is mostly limited by funding. You can bet I am donating.
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Old 04-16-2018, 03:14 PM
Ed Ed is offline
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Hi Tony-

I love your attitude and think your plan to enjoy your summer on your beloved Seafari with family and friends is a fantastic one.

May have you fair winds and following seas.

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Old 04-18-2018, 09:30 AM
Dogbomb Dogbomb is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 161

Originally Posted by SSPBill View Post
My thoughts and prayers are with you Tony. You once said when my Seafari burned down "the world needs more yellow, not less". Hang in there, keep the positive attitude and give that yellow Seafari a good ride! Medical science can move forward at an incredible rate and knowledge is mostly limited by funding. You can bet I am donating.
Thank you so much! The kind words and support mean a lot, trust me!
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Old 04-18-2018, 09:36 AM
Dogbomb Dogbomb is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 161

I wanted to thank everyone for the responses and notes and general support.
This is a great group of folks and y'all should be very proud of yourselves.

I'll keep fighting and I'll have that yeller boat back in the water ASAP!
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Old 04-18-2018, 03:42 PM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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I'm so very sorry to hear this news. I was just thinking about you a few days back as I knew you were a runner and wasn't sure if you were in Boston for the marathon.Im at a loss for words and I'm not sure if the power of prayer can change things but consider it done,and Donation made as well.
I wish you all the best. We never met in person but I feel like I've known you for years after the time we spent as buyer and seller of that Yellow Seafari that you did such a remarkably beautiful job in making it look new again.
I'll be checking in on you every so often to see how you're doing if you don't mind. And as others wrote a positive attitude can help in many ways. I wish you the best and if nothing else I'm only a call or email away even if nothing other than a chat.
Take care and get out on that boat.

John R
All this,just for a boat ride
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Old 04-16-2018, 07:02 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Originally Posted by Dogbomb View Post
In the interest of brevity, I'll make a very long story very short.

About 8 months ago, I started to have weakness in my feet and ankles.
The problems progressed to my legs, arms, back and neck.
On March 5th, after a million tests, scans and such, the doctor
looked me in the eye and told me I have ALS.

I rarely get sick. I haven't missed a day of work in 25 years.
I run marathons. I've always enjoyed great health, so the news
was unexpected and hard to take to say the least.

I'm a very positive person by nature, and I love a challenge, so
this disease won't stop me from enjoying life.

I sold my motorcycles and my triathlon bike and my beloved Corvette
because I can no longer shift gears or pedal. I've had to move my bedroom
downstairs because stairs are the devil. I've made dozens of other
consolative changes in my life, but I'm not giving up my SeaCraft. Yet.

I'm looking forward to at least one more summer on the boat, and
ALS won't steal that from me.

I wanted to thank everyone here for the kind words and advice that
allowed me to make the dream of owning and enjoying
a classic SeaCraft a reality.
It means a lot. Trust me.

ALS has no known cause, no treatment and no cure.
Unless you help.
If you have a few minutes, stop by the ALS website.
Throw them a couple of bucks if you are able.
Thank you.

I hope y'all have a great summer on the water.
I know I will!
DogB - Enjoy the seacraft and every minute. That's a god awful disease. I can't imagine what you are going though. If there is anything we can do to make your remaining bucket list happen, please don't be afraid to ask.
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Old 04-16-2018, 07:27 PM
NoBones NoBones is offline
Pooh Bah
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Oh my, our west coast crew is having to many issues !
Most of you are not aware that Gillie has been under going Chemo
over the last couple of weeks as well ...

My friend and business partner of 42 years is battling cancer of the worst kind
to !!

You guys are in our prayers for sure....

Hang in there ...
See ya, Ken ©
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