Need a cover
I need to find a cover. Just something to keep the leaves and rain and bird filth off it when it's in the driveway.Something that isn't quite as ugly as the big tarp I've been using.All the covers I've seen in Catalogs and websites have the Center Console style, but these assume "high bowrails" - and the bay boat styles don't go up to 23'- Anyone know where to get a cover that will fit reasonably well without going custom ?
Re: Need a cover
I had the same problen with my other boat. I could not find a cover that was off the shelf that even came close to fitting. @ 28LOA and a T-top I was up a creek with out a paddle so to say. I priced Sunbrella covers and almost lost it good grief!!!. I wound up having a local guy make one out of some sort of Hot air Balloon material. it was much less expensive per yard then sunbrella yet much lighter and stronger. It is white and drapes over the console around the t-top and then out over the decks. I had him install straps and buckles to go around the trailer which makes it tight and then a long zipper from the rear of the console to the transom. I am thrilled with it and it was only a couple of hundred dollars more than the Covers I have seen advertised in the catalogs which would have ended up costing the same after they were refitted to work. I told him to keep the templates in case someone else was interested. I would still think he would want you boat @ his shop to fit it and he is in Portsmouth RI. He had my boat for 2 weeks. It was $710.00 for a 28LOA boat. If this is of interest to you I can e-mail you some Pics and his # |