Solid pilothouse design
Do any of you guys have a fiberglass house on you boat, much like Steve Syler's 23? I have been kicking the idea around of removing my console and T-Top assembly and having a solid pilot house made for it. There are a few guys in the Cape Cod area who can build them and make it look real sharp.
Just wondering if there are any pics out there.... would anyone be in the market for a nice console, T top and hard top???? -Hooper |
Re: Solid pilothouse design
I knew I should have taken some pix of an SC I saw over July 4th weekend. We were at Crowe's Pasture in Dennis and at the mouth of Quivet Creek was a white 23' CC I/O with a pilot house (no name on boat). It was a great looking design with open sides that had curtains and a forward-facing windshield. |
Re: Solid pilothouse design
I've seen some of these on center consoles in ME and they look sharp. I think you could put a "West Coast" windshield (the bottom is tilted in) on it to cut down on glare. You would still have room for a padded igloo forward of the house for a seat.
Re: Solid pilothouse design
Scott and Block-
That's exactly what I had in mind, a house with a windshield rushed forward at the top, gives room for a plotter and radar. Then carry the aft section backwards to hang some canvas.... Block Island Guy, I hear what you're saying about the west coast style, there is a company called Black Lab Marine in Maine that builds boats out of metal and they have incorporated the west coast look into their center consoles, really look sharp! I was hoping there might be a photo or two floating around for some design ideas, maybe someone will have one. Scott, sounds like a great boat, wish I had seen it! Love Crowes Pasture too!!! |
Re: Solid pilothouse design
Yeah, we do too. It's a great beach. We'll be down there this coming weekend, so if that SC shows up again I'll snap a few pix for you. P.S. Black Lab Marine is a dealer for Pacific boats, they don't build them. |
Re: Solid pilothouse design
You know, there was a guy on the Cape, Bob Reynolds, that built a nice commercial center console for a number of years in Chatham or Orleans called the FibFab. Some had small pilot houses for the commercial guys to go out beyond BB1 (?). He has since closed (they don't call it Taxachusetts for nothing). Bob now might be a dispatcher for the Orleans PD. You could call and see if he could build you a pilot house.
Re: Solid pilothouse design
Block Island Guy-
It's funny you mention FibFab... I ran into a guy yesterday who works for a local Fire Dept. Anyways he built his own house for his 19' Seaway and had Fib Fab glass it for him, too bad to hear they are closed up, I was going to look into that. But, I am sure if I look around there are probably plenty of good fiberglass guys on Cape. |
Re: Solid pilothouse design
Taxachusetts huh? I guess youse guys have to keep Ted in the sauce!
Boatless again! |
Re: Solid pilothouse design
Re: Solid pilothouse design
Nice thread on pilot houses. The Maine Boat Building Show in March in Portland might be a source of good ideas and contacts, etc. Nice people, low key atmosphere, like no other boat show in the world (and I've been to a few). Don't worry about Teddy. He's been scratched from a lot of the bars he used to frequent around Hyannisport. |