I am also doing a transom on a GW from the outside. I don't plan on cutting any of the top to slide in the transom. My question is what do I do with the 2" void around the edge that I cut the wood out w/ a chain saw?
3 Boats / 1 Floats Re-fit or Reef-it |
Re: Transom
Not everyone will agree with the method, but if you're careful, it worked for me, when I left approx 3-4" outer skin lip. Probably helped that I was using one of those low HP cheapie electrics that were easier to control. (The one I bought just for this purpose was a Walmart $39 toss-away, but it lasted well, in spite of needing sharpening a couple times because of the staples, etc...)
Good Luck
ob1jeeper - Arizona |
Re: Transom
I've seen your threads but not the pics. I already cut the wood out w/ the chainsaw but once I trace the new wood off the outerskin and put the wood back in there will be a space behind the remaining outerskin, the part I had to get out w/ the chainsaw. What do I put in that void (cabosil)?
3 Boats / 1 Floats Re-fit or Reef-it |
Re: Transom
I'm going to defer to the response to your question from Hermco. He's had significantly more experience at this than I, and I'm sure that if he knew it wouldn't work, he wouldn't be telling you it's ok to fill the space with a cabosil mix.
Wish I'd understood that before I replaced mine, as taking a small aft portion of the top cap off, to make room to slide in the new core, came close to doubling the amount of work required Hermco, Hypothetically, let's say that the wood coring is only wet in the center portion, from leakage around the motor mount bolts and perhaps a thru-hulls or two, but has NOT progressed all the way to the hull sides. In Protek's case, let's say the wood behind the 2" wide strip on the hull sides is dry and not comprimised with water or rot in any way... Would it be an incorrect repair approach to simply leave that portion of the old core in place and bond the new core to it with epoxy, instead of taking it out and replacing it all with Cabosil?
ob1jeeper - Arizona |
Re: Transom
I always try to remove all the old wood core because there will be no way to insure there is no moisture without doing so. I have done some "spot" repairs by cutting out the obvious rotted areas and recoring because the customer did not want to spend the $s for a full rebuild. It is similar to what you do when you are repairing a soft spot in the deck.
Re: Transom
Thanx for the help guys, all wood is out. Git er done!
3 Boats / 1 Floats Re-fit or Reef-it |
Re: Transom
Fill with a good strong putty. You can make your own with resin,cabosil and milled fibers.Remove any excess beforee it hardens so you have a good clean and flat surface for the new transom core.