Here's a question I've thought about in the past, but never got around to trying to answer/resolve. Are 23' Savages really just Sceptres, but without the windshield and with a center console? There seem to be a lot of similarities, but I've never seen the two together to directly compare. Thanks, Brian
1977 23' Sceptre |
Re: Sceptre/Savage?
Yes. Both models use the same liners.
Re: Sceptre/Savage?
There are a number of people ( including myself) on CSC that have made the Sceptre to Savage conversions.
Sea the Craft -- Be the Craft |
Re: Sceptre/Savage?
Scot/Deuce: Thanks for the info...that's what I suspected all along. I imagine the conversion is pretty straightforward - any big surprises? Any of the conversions documented here or elsewhere? Brian
1977 23' Sceptre |
Re: Sceptre/Savage?
Conversion is pretty basic windshield removes in 3 sections, worst part of the whole process is filling in the holes left from the controls and steering. I opted for a large console from a 25 or 27 mako others opt for smaller consoles. I would have liked to have found a console that had room for a porta potty in it or just more storage but pretty happy with what I have. I can access my fish box from both inside the front of my console and a hatch in front of it.
the boat becomes much more fishable, and the ride is better the further back you are.
Seacraft's for life !!! |