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Old 09-14-2006, 09:16 AM
other tom other tom is offline
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Default Re: Hook in the Hull ??

" back in the day ", early outboard powered boats were designed so that the "driver" had his weight to stbd to counteract the torque of a standard-rotation engine. Thats why all the old starcrafts, woodsons, North Americans, glasspars, etc. were set up like a British car instead of what the "Americans" were used to...remember cables and pulleys and "take-up" springs?
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Old 09-14-2006, 12:17 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Default Re: Hook in the Hull ??

My brother has a Center Console with a large single counter rotating motor and the boat has no issues with torque steering. He doesn't even have trim tabs. It's hard to see how a boat as large as a 23 seacraft with trim tabs has this problem. When you stand in the middle of the boat or put two people on the opposite side does the problem go away???

I can understand the torque issue with little starcraft or MFG with all the weight forward . . . I still think there is something else going on here . . . other than the counter rotating engine torque.
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Old 09-14-2006, 05:59 PM
joema joema is offline
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Default Re: Hook in the Hull ??

schooner my 250 suk is a counter is no worse than old moter cheak the tab good luck
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Old 09-15-2006, 12:59 PM
schooner schooner is offline
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Default Re: Hook in the Hull ??

Thanks everybody, for the replies and suggestions.

edloh: The boat actually sits better in the water now with the heavier four stroke. The prior 200 2stroke let the water run forward away from the scuppers when washing down. Now the water runs aft slowly. If I stand in the back, then the water runs aft like I think it should. Scuppers are about 1 inch above the water with no one on board. I have the deck mold with channels P&S that drain toward the scuppers rather than the thru-deck scuppers I had on my 20.

Bigshrimpin: I am hoping nothing else is going on. There is not any way that I can determine for any "hidden" weight to be in the bow. I used to run a 32 Blackfin with Cats that would tip to the side you set your beer when running up on the vee. A DV boat will lean into the wind,etc so My guess is the effect is because of the hull shape more than the size. My guess is that the forward helm location on a Sceptre is closer to the forefoot where the vee is steeper and the waterplane narrower than the helm location on the 23CC and that the effect of weight on trim is greater...both front to back and side to side. Plus, since I need to tab the port bow down so much to get the boat level, that pushes the bow even further down and increases the torque lean even more. You can feel this in your steering and trim if you overtrim bow down.

If I have one additional passenger to port, the lean is reduced but not eliminated. If I am alone and turn loose of the wheel and stand to port, the boat trims perfectly P&S and I don't need tabs at all.

Anyhow...indications are that a counter rotating motor in a Sceptre has a different impact than in a CC because of the weight of the deck and passengers forward rather than aft, the starboard-forward location of the helm, and the lack of console weight center-aft. I was happy that there is no "hook" or deformation in the hull and indications are that I don't have a structural issue exacerbating the problem.

Thanks again, I appreciate all the suggestions.

1985 23 Sceptre 225 Johnson Four Stroke
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