Prop for Honda 130
I have a 2001 20 foot Classic with Honda 130. Top end speed is 33 mph, trimmmed out, in glassy water, but WOT has RPM pushing 6100. (Too high, I know, but I haven't run it WOT except to quick test for speed diffrential at various fuel levels.) I have a 15 inch aluminum prop. This is a multi-purpose family boat that has me splitting time chasing fish and pulling the kids on a tube/wakeboard.I am told smaller prop improves "hole shots" for things like wakeboarding, yes? Suggested RPM for a Honda 130 and expected MPH with 16 or 17 inch prop? Owners manual for Honda is surprisingly unhelpful in this regard...Thanks in advance for your thoughts. How much of the "hole shot" capability will I lose to a larger prop?
Rick in CT