Re: Proper Performance Engineering
my experiance with the five blades have been for a different purpose, the High Five was advertised for hole shot, several outboard powered ski boats came with them, these props were deisgned to be a semi surfacing prop at higher speeds( simular to cleavers). i have used them to crutch fix boats that were too stern heavy for pulling skiers. Theh downside of these props( in my experiance) has been unless you're running at elevated heights( ie: outboard on a jackplate) they tend to have a high slippage, we allways went up to the next pitch when replacing a standard prop with these. Fourblades tend to be a better comprimise between slippage and stern lift.
On the topic of diesels, check out the Steyer, they advertise the best weight to power ratio of the smaller engines, they are marketed to sterndrive engine replacement, and they operate at a simular rpm range to the engine you have now, so you wont have to change gear ratios