23' CC prop selection, Enertias?, Peter B please
Peter B, that's a pretty boat you have. What props are you turning? I see you have a bracket whereas I only have 6" setback jackplates, but I wasn't ready to cut up the boat and close the transom and don't like the look of an open transom with a bracket. I am currently spinning 21P Lasers, but have tried SWS 19P, Rapture 21P, Old Mirage 21P, Mirage Plus 21P, and Mirage Plus 19P. The SWS, and both Mirage Plus' props made the boat want to porpoise with any trim out and slam into any head sea/boat wake. The Old Mirage (12+years ago) actually gave the best fuel economy and ride, but they were borrowed props and I haven't been able to find an unworked set since. I am about to pull the trigger on a set of 21P Enertias but would love any input from anyone in the know before if possible. Thanks, Skyler
"Hooper drives the boat chief."