new member intro and question
Good morning to all. I am writing for two, as I am the son helping the technically-challenged father get some help in a really fantastic ongoing rebuild. The vessel (and father) in question are both located outside New Haven CT. I'm off in the Rockies.
The story is this: father recently aquired a 21' (1975?) hull (for a song!), found water in the transom, and replaced the transom and decks, and refurbished the entire hull/hardware. It has gone from backyard leaf collector to cherry! Along the way, the old 130 Yami bit the big one (or was diagnosed as going to bite it soon enough), so he parted it out. All of this was made possible by a new mechanic, marina genius son-in-law who still feels the need to earn family credit, so work was done for cost only. Nice.
But his question for the internets is one of repowering. It seems the 150 Yami 4 stroke is too heavy and the new transom too low. So he has been direct toward the E-Tec. Or a Suzuki. Can anyone out there either direct us toward a comparative discussion of these two or speak one way or the other about them? The E-TEC salesguy really likes his product, that's for sure.
Thanks all. If I can get the old man to take some digital pics, I'l upload the progress photos if anyone is interested.