Originally Posted by FLexpat
I think Bilgerat had 6-700# in the bow to make up for the CG issue with the bracket and twins. I made a rough 3D CAD model of the 25 and calculated the CG shift between a single I/O and twins on a SS bracket - I don't remember exact numbers but remember it was surprisingly large and that Bilgerat's bow ballast didn't even make up for it. I will try and track that stuff down.
Found some files:
Bilgerat used 400 lbs in the anchor locker to get the CG almost to where it should be. Twins on the bracket shifted the CG aft about 40" - likely much more since I estimated bracket weight as 200 lbs (I used FG); far less than it really is. With the 400 lbs in the anchor locker and the 'light' bracket it was still a couple of inches aft of where it should be. If the ballast is in the cabin bilge, lots more is needed.
Like Connor said, the OBs raised the CG a good bit relative to a single I/O (350cid) and ballast in the anchor locker didn't really help that.
My personal opinion for the 25 is that a conversion to a CC with an alum block L83 or L96 under the console jackshafted to an I/O would be perfect but it would be kinda needy on the maintenance side.
Hope this helps.