Hard Top Complete
Well it's almost complete. It's primered and just needs painting which I'll do when I'm ready to put it on the boat and that's not going to be for some time. For now I'm going to put in the back yard under a tarp and get back to work on the boat. I'm glad I made it and it turned out good.It is very sturdy. Not sure how much it weighs but it is lighter then I expecxted it to be. I can pick it up by myself without much difficulty. I'm guessing close to 100 pounds give or take. It measures 91 inches long and the width is 73 inches in the rear and it tapers down to 69 inches in the front just before it makes the curve. Things I'd do differently:
1. Buy a hard top. Because it was a PIA to make and I got tired of messing with it after a while. [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] 2. For the bottom I'd make a very thin skin from some light cloth on a molding table and epoxy this to the bottom as it would cut down on fairing and sanding time. Thats about it. Here are a couple pics to look at. The first one is a little blurred because of the propane heat waves. Thanks for all the good comments on my first post. Strick
"I always wanted to piss in the Rhine" (General George Patton upon entering Germany) |