BORED Straight Flush !
We have Tropical POURS coming on Here ! 5"s of Rain in My gauge,Now I noticed I've posted on every TOPIC AT ONCE ACROSS THE BOARD! Man I'm BORED but This site is to good to turn off !!Rain for the last 4 or so Days . Got familly coming in from Bavaria (Germany) & REAL BEER !!!!! Week early too. Can't get the Honey doo's Done ! So 9if some of My earlier threads are a lil @#%*&*%## well Forgive Me ! Oh Heck just have another Beer !
Could Be worse !! (SNOW) "TUG" [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
http://www.frenzie.com/frenzielogoline.GIF www.frenzie.com http://www.frenzie.com/custom.htm "Classic SeaCraft" Lures 1983_seacraft_master_angler.]htm My wife and I had words, But I didn't get to use mine."?" |