I have noticed a fundamental barrier regarding doing what needs to be done on ones boat. I think I will steal the name from the T.V. Show and say We All have a level of “The Fear Factor” which can paralyze us from doing the WHATEVER NEEDS TO BE DONE. I personally never re did a boat before I did my boat and never worked on others boats for a living at some boat yard. Yes I have owned boats most of my life but owning one and redoing one is another story all together. Well one day I Decided to take the plunge I thing it was about 4-6 months before Jason started this great sight anyway now I see all this great info (thanks Jason) on this sight that I did not had the advantage to learn by others experiences first before doing the work on my boat. But I still see The Fear Factor – it’s kind of like maybe I will break something or I will do something that Can Never Get Repaired, or if I do it I know I will just screw it up somehow.
Just wondering what were your hardest Fear Factor projects on your boat?? My two worst ones were 1. That BIG transducer hole in the bottom – I figured I would brake loose and it would kill me and everyone else on the boat the first time out. It took me a few weeks before I got up the nerve to cut that much glass out of the bottom of my boat. 2. The second one was Painting my boat with a Roller and a Brush. – I figured it would look like a piece of Bleep and that would have made me feel like everything else I did was also a piece of Bleep as well. What I have learned that no matter how bad you think something might come out If you use good materials and take your time and drink enough beer everything works out pretty darn good. Fellowship [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] |