Sunday Report
Well fellas, I headed out Sunday afternoon for a ride and a little fishing. The afternoon didnt get started as I planned, it wasnt long after I headed offshore that I realized that my stern cusion had gone a-wall on me I went back for the little deserter, but had no luck. As far as the boat is concerned she ran great but its obvious she's got the wrong prop on there Yamy Saltwater Series (3) blade (21p), it would get it out of the whole in a hurry but I wouldnt pick up no more than 4200rpm's, completely trimmed 4700rpm's, the previous owner is going to swap it out for me, I think a (17p) is the one, any advise or comments on what you guys are running would be great. Oh by the way the fishing was ok, several tails, mangroves, and a mutton only fished for about an hour.