This is a dolphin caught on our trip to the keys this july 4 th weekend. She weighed 44 # and was a personal best. Caught her on a twinkle fly. This is just a mylar duster some where along the way in our area they became known as twinkle flys. They are the best baits for small to medium tuna that i have found when used over dink to med ballyhoo. Aparently dolphin like them to this cow ran all the way across the spread to nail this one on the opposite side. I was watching the baits and saw her bite the bait no hook-up but with a quick drop back she spun and picked it back up, free spooled and pushed up to strike on a 50tw and was awarded with that heart stopping sound of the old heavy clicker on the older penns... god thats such a great sound!!! I stoked about a trip in 2 weeks to green canyon in the gulf. Its about a 250-300 mile trip 1 way. with a fuel stop in venice, la. The marlin fishing around the floating offshore rigs is phenominal at the shortest dscription. Hope to post some incredible pics when i get back. Just have to work through 7 more days offshore so i can drive home and go offshore for fun. I would like to here more fishing experiance and stories from other members as well as pics ya'll make my week @ work alot better!
also have realy cool jump sequence on photobucket.Pics are pretty big to be able to see the fish. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2...A/DOLPHIN1.jpg http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2...A/DOLPHIN2.jpg http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2...A/DOLPHIN3.jpg http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2...A/DOLPHIN4.jpg
80 23 SCEPTRE TWIN 135 MERC OPTIS 75 20 Master Angler 115 Mariner Tower of Power RUSTY PARKER http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2...eyemailtag.jpg |