1973 25 Seafari
I'm a new member guys and have a 1973 25' Seafari in good condition that I would like to sell. It has a V8 GM motor with an OMC outdrive. Don't know condition of motor or outdrive. My suggestion would be to remove the inboard and make the engine compartment an insulated fish box with bracket and outboard. Won't get into all the details but would like to sell the boat for $4900.00 . If you would like to call me @ 252-728-2934 or 252-725-4851 I would be glad to talk with you. I am located on the East Coast of North Carolina, Morehead City and Beaufort area.If you all noticed I lowered the price to deduct for trailer.I would'nt use the trailer for a long haul due to condition of springs and bolts,but otherwise in good condition.The hull # is SECC5007M73J.Still having some difficulty downloading photos,try to have posted soon.It is factory white gel never painted,only blue bottom paint.I removed the factory combing pads and seat covers due to sun damage.The motor has been replaced a few years back and looks good in the valve covers,but covers{timing chain,valve,basepan}are rusty.Never have put socket and ratchet on it to see if motor will turn over.One of only eight made in 1973 and good shape,sounds like a good deal for you. Take Care God Bless......