Re: WOT speed on a '83 20' SF w/200
they closed lake X!
Bllue Heron, back to the subject at hand. First, i have not had a lot of luck with the mirage on an outboard, too much blade surface. Now the Mirage plus works much better than the original Mirage on an outboard, but if the boat were mine, i'd probably try a Laser, its designed to give more bow lift, and you can run it higher on your plate, if a laser is not available, try a simular prop with some rake to it. And before you go any farther, put a straight edge on the hull bottom, make sure you don't have a lot of hook in it, if the boat was ever on a roller trailer, or on a trailer that wasn't set up right, it could have hooked the hull, don't be suprised if you see a little hook, its probably normal, but any dips or excessive hook could explain the whole problem. And by the way, what are you using to check your speed?