Thinking about upgrading to a 300 Suzi......
Now that the new 300 Suzuki 4 stroke is out I am pondering upgrading my twin 115's. Don't get me wrong, I really like the way the 115's push the boat. I get a 23-24kt cruise and about 38 kt top. They start and run like the day I got them(2002 i think). Each of them weigh 416 lbs without a prop for a total of 832#. The 30" shaft 300 weighs 614 which saves me 214 lbs off the transom. This website has them in stock for 17k. http://www.edsmarinesuperstore.com/suzuki_outboards.htm
At my cruise of 24 kts I burn about 10.5 gph for a net mpg of 2.7 mpg. On the Suzuki website there is a test with a 24 proline weighing in at 3400 lbs. At 4000 rpm's the boat hits 31 mph burning just under 8 gph for an amazing 3.9 mpg! Top speed is just a hair under 50 mph which is 6 mph more than what I do now. The 300 displacement is 4.0 liter's vs a combined 3.9 liter's for my 115's. I plan on keeping my boat for at least 3-5 years. Here is a link to the proline boat test. http://www.suzukimarine.com/boatbuil...24ss_df300.php Here are the reason's to upgrade: 1) Faster cruise and top end 2) Better MPG 3) 214 lbs. less hanging off the transom. (dryer feet!) 4) Probably get good trade in or sell my 115's on ebay. 5) Gimmie 6 warranty 6) Half the maintanance 7) Cool new guages/shifter Reasons not to upgrade: 1) $17,000 reasons+tax+controlls+installation. 2) Piece of mind 30+miles off shore. This is rare. 3) Draft more with a single vs twins. 4) Boat runs great as it is. Questions for the experts here. I currently run a closed transom with bracket and 25" shafts on the twins. I am going to assume I need a 30" shaft with a single, right? How do I fill in the old motor mount holes? How much could I expect to get for my twin 115's? Properly set up, could I break 50 mph?
Capt. Brian |