First of all, I just want to say that this site is very inspiring for me.
I bought my Seacraft like 2 yrs ago from my brothers next door neighbor, who had it abandonded under a tree collecting algea and foliage. He was using it literally as a storage container. I remember for the first six months after I first laid eyes on it, I use to sneak over the fence to go look at her to make sure that he hasn't completely destroyed it. I couldn't believe that it was a 30 year old boat. I finally got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore and started making offers. I think I kind of awoke the guy to what he had rotting in his back yard because he put it on the corner down the street and put a for sale sign on it after I told I wanted it. Thankfully, no one offered and I got it for $500.00. I now have finally got it to the point where I will actually be able to start enjoying it this summer. I am having trouble positively identifying the hull. It's a cc. 1976 (I think). I'm lookin forward to postin some pics to see if any of the incredibly skilled and knowledgable people on this site can help pin it down. Just one last thing / I'm extremely exited to read about some of the restorations and knowledge that oozes from this site. I'm going up to Marine Mechanics institute on Friday to apply for financing so that I can start my training in Nov. and I hope that I will ever acquire the skills that are displayed here. I realized now that I should have done this 10 yrs ago. Boating is in my blood and I've been distracted by the "easy road" for far too long. BTW - If anyone has an opinion about Marine Mechanics institute in Florida. I'm all ears. This will be a big career change for me. Hope I'm making the right decision. Thanks! |