Re: Drug dealers near New Shop
My problem is that the states idea of helping a drug addict is give them $850./month in money, $250/month in food stamps, FREE 100% medical coverage for life, on top of their daily fix of methodone or whatever else, oh yeah they get really decent ( I have seen it in Pasco) housing in a state approved apartment complex and they pay $96. month and the state picks up the rest of the tab. Then they no longer ever have to work again, just sit back and collect and get fat and lazy and scarf up whatever other pills they can find. Personaly they are wasting precious space and oxygen. As for dealers Jails are filled with repeat offenders and they are released every day as are sexual predators, rapists, etc. They need stiffer punishments, and harsher rehab programs, Start executing (or even pretend to and publicize it) repeat ofenders (the ones who cannot be rehabbed) and I believe after a very few you will have less drug dealers, once they see what can happen. But to them life in jail is almost as good as life on the streets.
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