Monster Cubera / Dogtooth Snapper
We went out a couple of Sunday's ago and we Line caught Dozens of grouper, two were legal keepers that Rob caught, and a Nice 24" Mango that Renee caught , I had to go down to check out the bottom, and aside from a 15' hammerhead that kept destroying their tackel, and a few hundred Cuda's and assorted mangos, and grouper, I came across this ole boy. This new camo suit works awesome, and for those of you who think spearfishing is easy. This was the hardest fought battle of my life. I had to shoot him twice, Go into the scariest place I have ever been on a dive, one I was concerned I would get out of. Took every ounce of energy and muscle and a bit of blood loss on my part,to get him under control, bring him to the surface, and thanks to a group of guys on a 24 Shamrock, they dragged me my boat after my wild ride. He weighed out at 61 lbs.
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