140 suzuki on 20 MA
I am running a 140 zuke on a 20 Master Angler and though I love the economy and reliability my top end is only 32 knots. This is plenty fast for my needs as you can seldom open up a 20 footer offshore anyway, but I do wonder if something is wrong with the set up. Prop is a 14x19 aluminum. Anti cav plate is about 2" above straight edge on keel. I get my max spped by trimming up a bit with tabs up. This with one person on board, 60 gallons fuel, two batteries in front of console and a large fiberglass t-top. Boat is a little squirrely at this speed so I don't care to go faster, it just seems like it should from talking to other people. This at 5800 rpm or so. Thanks for any feedback.