Polyethylene tank for diesel
Hello all, I just bought an '85 Sceptre powered by a volvo 165 diesel engine. After pulling the 100 gal aluminum fuel tank, I discovered that it was pitted and holed. I'm going to have it replaced and was wondering how a plastic polyethylene tank would work out in lieu of having another aluminum tank made. Having an aluminum tank made in hawaii will cost upwards of $1000. From what i've read, poly is non corrosive, very durable, and about half the cost (or less) of aluminum. Sounds too good to be true. With the diesel engine, I don't need to go as big as 100 gallons. I would need at least 60 gallons but can go as high as 90 gallons with the new tank. I just haven't heard of anyone using poly tanks for diesel applications. Is there a reason for that? thanks in advance. The new tank would be mounted underneath the deck where the old tank sat.