What type of trailer?
Just wondering what type of trailer everyone has? What are the pros an cons for each with our seacrafts? My 23 has a float on which need work. My dads 23 has a lowboy floaton which he likes alot. I have seen some seacrafts on roll-offs. Since my bunks are old and need to be replaced and the guy who owned it befor me didn't put new pads on for the boat to sit( he put two by fours and wrapped them with carpet and some string). I was wondering Whig would be a better option. The v style skiff pads with the PVC v or get the rollers and then replace the bunks and carpet with the roller arms?
1974 23 SF - "Likes It Rough" http://www.classicseacraft.com/forum...rt=&PHPSESSID= |