Prop for 1977 18SF with Suzuki 140
Finishing up my 1977 18 SF rebuild. Replaced and raised the transom, new 44 gal tank. Going ping pong scuppers, hinged splashboard and floor drain holes into the bilge and drain holes in the splashboard out the stern.
Just sea trailed her for the first time today with a 3 blade 14/20 prop. Definitely rips - couldn't see the handheld gps cause I was tearing too much (was 50 degrees when I got out). Bow seems very high as she comes on plane. Gonna need to lose weight or move weight forward further (I have 2 batteries as far forward in the console and mounted the new gas tank as far forward as possible). Would appreciate prop suggestions for my setup. I am not going to raise the floor, but I might move the console a little further up and go with a light leaning post. Thanks - Pete http://i978.photobucket.com/albums/a...g?t=1289609262 |