New Engine - for 2001 20 SC MA - part 2
I am still on the fence weather to go with a 115 hp 4 stroke or 150 hp Etec.
Trying to figure out what specifications and aspects of new engine should be prioritized in my desc ion making - I am going to have this engine for a long time. Questions ? Etec has a 8 year warranty offer that ends June 30th - which means to get that I have to make decision in a couple of days - what value , importance do folk put on that do. the lighter the weight on the transom the better with 300 lbs as a target weight is is talked about a lot, which i understand fully. I have a 2001 mercury EFI on it now 425lb Engine weights listed Brand HP Type Dry Weight Weight diff Mercury 150 2 stroke 425 0 Mercury 115 4 Stroke 359 -66 Mercury 115 4 Stroke 363 -62 Mercury 150 4 Stroke 455 30 Yamaha 115 4 Stroke 377 -48 Yamaha 150 4 stroke 491 66 Etec 115 2 Stroke 390 -35 Etec 150 2 Stroke 433 8 My question is how much difference does every 10 lbs make on the transom ? The mercury 115 hp Command trust 4 stroke at 362 lb is 62 lbs lighter than that the engine coming off for low planing speed. Would the heavier Yamaha 115 hp 4 stroke at 377 lbs with a difference between the Merc 115 of 15 lbs be noticeable , or the 33 lb difference between the Etec 115 and Merc 115. My concerns are that 115 might struggle with 5 people on board. The boat has trim tabs and I had fitted a Permatrim trim fin the existing Mercury 150 2 stroke that helped a lot with getting on and keeping on plane. I would fit one to my engine. I am trying to get a feel of the difference in fuel consumption between the 115 4 strokes and the etec 150. Thanks |