Don V - Thanks for the compliment. That car was the biggest challenge I have ever undertaken. Most of the ones I have done were no where near that bad. I have been messing with Mopars since I was 16 and basically quit (cold turkey) about 3 years ago because the cars have just gotten too expensive for me to do and people don't want to pay the money it costs to really restore a car down here. The owner of that car actually gave me artistic license with regards to how to put it together once he told me what color he wanted the body. I decided on the painted scoop and white interior. I worked part time on it, nights and weekends and ended up with about 1000 hours into it - a bunch of which I did not get a dime for because the owner really could not afford what it should have cost.
One of these days, I hope to build another car for myself. I haven't had one since 2010 and even then, I had to sell it before I finished it due to financial reasons. The Challenger in the picture is the last one I really built for myself back in 2005. Sold that car to invest in a business and ended up loosing my @$$. If I were to show off, you would be shocked how many cars I have owned/built. Easily 20+ Dodge Challengers, 10+ Cudas, 8-10 Dusters and plenty more through the years.
My handle on a bunch of car forums is ChallengerGary. I might have to change it to ChallengerlessGary