Originally Posted by bobbert
For the area your going to fish go with a 23. The 20 is fine for a decent day but not enough for when the afternoon breeze picks up. Have fished both a 20 and 23 cc on the south shore of LI, in the Schinnecock area. 20 great in the bay and on calm days outside. 23 ok in the bay you just can't go into 18-24" water. 23 any time any day, it will get you home every time.
I second this. Owner of a 20' 1977 Seafari here, run almost exclusively on the Great South Bay, and the Sound on occasion. I have seen said 18-24" seas and even with the windshield, it can be a wet ride under much lesser conditions. I've never been able to not get back home under storm conditions, but I don't go out in the ocean much at all. I really would love to step up to a 23', but can't justify the change from something so familiar and manageable for what I do. I can get my 20' right up on shore to drop cargo and passengers. Personally, I really don't ever want to be without a cabin. How many people will be fishing on the boat?
BTW, Greenport is one of our favorite spots to visit! Best of luck with your decision, neighbor.