Seafari 25 hard top for sale
I'm replacing my current Seafari 25 hard top with a 3-sided pilot house. $975.00 local pickup Hampton Roads, VA and general vicinity.
Hard top came with boat when I purchased it. I've had it out in the Chesapeake Bay and offshore more than once in small craft advisories - there is very little side-to-side rake but hull sides are reinforced with 1/2" board at the mounting points. Clearance underneath is 88" under the doubler below the radar mount, 90" everywhere else to cockpit floor (not the cabin step down). If I had kept it and had clears sewn, I would have lowered 10" to 12" which is easily doable by cutting and re-welding to the hull mounting pads. I would have also replaced the 1/4" pvc board with 1.5" nida-core'd or foam-cored hard top which would make the top walkable when conditions allowed. Would be perfect for the 25 for sale in So. Florida... Windows will be removed shortly... free for local pickup. Paypal Transaction ID: 9S184294NC174215G |