Non-skid upgrade
I have a few things i could have done better on my recent rebuild but can live with most of them. The non-skid however needs to be corrected. I have a 6 and 8 year old that spend hours jumping off the gunnel and it doesn’t take long to be treacherous. I went overboard hauling the anchor 2 weeks ago. It was blowing about 20 and pitching quite a bit but still not acceptable.
My question is more about prep, application, and bonding. Boat has new Awlgrip last October and Griptex was mixed in and rolled. I had wanted to try Softsand broadcast into base and then topcoated twice. Painter did a beautiful job and I don’t want to mess with it. Love the color contrast and margins. Can I acetone wipe and topcoat with this technique or do I need to sand to get a good bond? Don’t want to screw with margins. I’ll need to pull some hardware. Any thoughts?