Re: 23 Self-bailing deck history ?
I can see why no one would raise the deck on a 23....there seams to be no easy way. You can see from all the responses, there is a lot to consider. The floor system is more complex in the Sceptre/Tsunami models too vs. a CC. I thought my original idea, while the deck was already off, to just use 2" cross beams, but believe me, it is just not that easy.
The big block IO is the guilty party, but the change over to bracket and outboard is too expensive over the simple drop in price of a crated eng/IO pckg. I have said, the difference is easily $5000. and it isn't easy to digest the IO pckg price as is.
I would prefer the bracket and outboard as I guess from responses, is the concensus among readers here. But I don't already own an outboard and the transon is already redone for the IO....
Keep talking to ain't in yet?